Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Best Deficits Fiat Money Can Buy

Today's story comes from CNBC about the cost of the financial socialism, I meant bailouts, exceeding the cost of WWII with inflation adjustment. So we are spending more money than it took to bring down both the Third Reich and the Empire of the Sun and all we have to show for it are executive compensations that only Croesus could imagine?

This is the largest transfer of wealth in human history, one which is mortgaging the future of the nation in the hands of the same idiots who got us into this place. Why nobody calls this the theft that it is comes as the biggest indictment of the modern media. In eight years Bush has increased the national debt from $5.272 trillion to $10.578 trillion. Check here if you want to see for yourself. The date range is from January 20, 2001 to today. Where is the outrage?

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