Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Someone call the irony police

Let's see, we have a sign stating that an economic philosophy that wealth should be concentrated in the hands of the owners of capital and then mentioning a religion which preaches opposition to avarice, while wearing a union jacket. I am confused.


SassyDefiance89 said...
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SassyDefiance89 said...

LoL x 1,000,000,000,000,000,000, at some point I need to stop!

But on the serious side --- I still believe there is a way to Christianize a Capitalistic State same as a Socialistic State or a Combo of a Socialistic and Capitalistic State... - How? -- Just remove the Marxist ideology out of it... because Marxism is behind all these Satanic DRAMA! -- all these Luciferian theatrics! What is Marxism in a gist --- it's none other than PURE or Rank MATERIALISM and PURE NATURALISM PERIOD! Ryan Haecker needs to research Marxism and post it on his philosophy blog and dissect and simplify it for the modern man as modern man apparently does NOT or can NOT think and analyze any longer! LoL

I am willing to have a face off with anyone --- as in anyone I (with God's grace ) will prove to them that we can Christianize both economic systems --- it can be done -- in theory --- and in practice as well... --- but requires effort and DIVINE assistance! I am serious as in dead SERIOUS! No smiley faces this time!