The image above is the left wing irony equivalent of the famous picture of Americans standing in a breadline in front of a billboard proclaiming the world's highest standard of living . Here a Venezuelan man picks through garbage to get food and items to salvage under a graffiti dedicated to a Marxist revolutionary. Both images portray the flaw in latching on to ideology, as ideologies are simply means to have power over people.
The previous statement is simply a reflection on the self interested nature of humanity. If that were not the case, then humans would be able to come together to rationally distribute resources for the sake of harmony. Instead, in any system of government there arise a class of rulers and a class of the ruled. The ruling class hordes the wealth of a nation that is produced by the ruled class' labor. This occurs in every system because there is a cartel problem in that the benefit to cheating is too great for such an order to continue. In other words, in a system where all the resources are evenly distributed among every member, there is a gigantic incentive to cheat because the small margin of excess over the next guy gives you political and economic power greater than the next guy since you can use the excess wealth to curry influence. It's the same reason why Goldman Sachs can steal $700 Billion from the treasury and Chavistas live in mansions. It's the same human failing with twin masks.
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