Wednesday, October 15, 2008

final debate, final analysis

To borrow a tired cliche, McCain accomplished too little, too late. He finally came out swinging and bringing up the dubious connections Obama has with people like the terrorist Bill Ayers and Obama's propensity for government largesse. When McCain referred to Obama as "Senator Government" I actually saw a spark of life in their campaign. Unfortunately, a quick joke won't roll back the huge market losses, the bailouts, the high oil prices.

McCain also brought up the issue of school vouchers which are long overdue. Competition between schools for students is necessary because the current educational system is stuck in neutral since the current funding allocation gives high funding to both high and low performing schools. This means that the incentive for a poor performing school to improve is not that great since a lot of funding will dry up if there is too much improvement. If students could choose where the tax money for education went, then school districts would have to treat the students and parents as customers rather than serfs. As it is now the taxpayer is only seen as a dollar amount by the school districts since they are tied to the land via geographical school tax assessment. Vouchers will free the taxpayer from the school district fiefdom, which is long overdue.

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