Friday, February 20, 2009

Where your tax money goes

I try not to comment too often on news outside the scope of this blog, but today I found a real gem that illustrates there is no shortage of funding for colleges. Here's a quote of brilliance from the modern day Galileo and Copernicus combined:

"This is just the first study which was focused on the idea that men of a certain age view sex as a highly desirable goal, and if you present them with a provocative woman, then that will tend to prime goal-related responses," she told CNN.

Truly groundbreaking stuff there, Fiske. I have some ideas for your future writings such as "Thirsty people tend to drink water faster than non thirsty people" and "Catholicism and the Pope, a scholastic study on the Catholicism of the Papacy." Really, people are dying of malaria and our tax money goes to this?? Here's a study I am gonna work on, titled "Scantily Dressed Beautiful Woman Gets Attention." Time to get busy writing that grant proposal.

1 comment:

SassyDefiance89 said...

John, what were you thinking --- you made me read your article -- I took it seriously -- Good grief Charlie! ^_^ you have to be kidding me... I was like scratching my head -- then, of course -- I was thinking too hard --- delayed reaction as 24 hours later... LoL

Why, post the prop from you-tube you've got too much time in your hands...