Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Shame is so bouregeoise

In light of gaining new competition in the ridiculous amounts of money stolen category, Bernie Maddoff has decided to show that he is twice the scumbag of his nearest white collar theft rivals by claiming $62 million dollars in assets and his penthouse are actually in his wife's name. Of course, since we little people have to pay full value on used cars, we should be glad that our barons can transfer assets like $13 million dollar homes to spouses for $100. This brings the question of when people will wake up to the theft of their country that has been done by crooks like Madoff, Dick Fuld, the head of any company which is firing the workforce and giving management bonuses. The worst part is that places like AIG are being rewarded out of the treasury for failing. If you or I were losing money quarter after quarter, we would have to declare bankruptcy. Nobody would give us money unless they were going to buy us out, but then again we mere mortals.
The New York federal courthouse, where the Madoff has so far eluded justice

1 comment:

SassyDefiance89 said...

my question is --- are there no more attacks of upright conscience to let them know when to stop?

I mean even among husbands and wives? No more "....dear or sweetheart I believe we should stop stealing and cheating people and fueling each other's greed..."

No more heart to heart talk as to what happened to our dreams and ideals (morally upright ideals) how did we end up so corrupt?

Yea, I'm such a young silly idealist... and I pray to God --- dear Lord, please, have mercy on me and never allow me to be ever so blind as to lose clear sight of the HIGHEST IDEAL...